Clipping:Practice styles

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19C Clippings

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Date Sunday, June 5, 1864

On frequent occasions when visiting the Hoboken Ballgrounds, we have noticed that the style of practice adopted by the clubs located there, is that of “fungoes” as it is called, or free batting, while in Brooklyn the time of the players previous to entering upon a game is almost entirely devoted to throwing and catching the ball, instead of batting it; hence no doubt, arises much of their superiority, as a general thing, as fielders. Nothing whatever is learned by the style of batting adopted by the majority of the Hoboken clubs, in the hour’s preliminary practice at the bat before sides are made up; whereas, by practice in throwing, fielding and catching the ball, great improvement in play is almost sure to follow. We commend these facts to the attention of Hoboken players in particular, and to ball-players in general. New York Sunday Mercury June 5, 1864

The members of [the Atlantic Club] have turned out well on practice-days, but the play of their first nine, as a nine, has been very little improved thereby, as they mix their players up too much in their practice-games, instead of playing each man in his regular position. The only way to improve the play of a nine by practice is, to play every first-nine player in his regular position on all occasions, and always to place first-nine players on one side, even if there be but three or four on the ground each practice-day. Any other style of practice weakens rather than strengthens their play, and, as practice, is useless. If fun and exercise are the only objects, why, then, the ordinary style of making up sides on practice-days is well enough, but if excellence as a nine is desired, whey, then, the only plan is, to practice the nine as a whole, with each man in his regular position. We do not care what the individual ability of the players may be, unless this plan is adopted, no nine will ever achieve the degree of excellence they otherwise would, were they to adopt the plan recommended. New York Sunday Mercury June 5, 1864

Source New York Sunday Mercury
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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