Clipping:The Capitoline Grounds

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19C Clippings

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Date Wednesday, March 9, 1864

The New Capitoline Grounds—Messrs. Weed and Decker, we are glad to learn, have decided to transform their Skating Pond into a ball ground, for Summer use, and the same is to be occupied by the Atlantic and Enterprise Clubs, each having two days of each week assigned to them for the use of the ground for practice. All matched played on the ground will be under the control of the proprietors of the grounds, as far as admission to the same is concerned, and in return for this they will keep the grounds in good condition for play, and see to it that perfect order reigns on all occasions of games played. Brooklyn Eagle March 9, 1864

defining a balk

In reference to the rule defining a balk, the Committee considered the present wording of the rule sufficiently plain to indicate that any movement, whether of the body or the arm, that can be fairly considered as one preliminary and belonging to the delivery of the ball, shall, in cases of non-delivery of the ball after such a movement, be declared a balk, and in reference to jerking the ball, no movement can be called a jerk in which the arm used does not touch the side of the body while the body is in an upright position. But when a pitcher stoops on one side in order to deliver the ball, thereby getting all the motive power of a jerk without actually touching the body, the Umpire is empowered to call a balk for jerking the ball. According to this interpretation, nearly every swift pitcher now in our clubs jerks the ball every time he delivers it swiftly. New York Sunday Mercury March 27, 1864

Source Brooklyn Eagle
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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