Clipping:Preparing for a grand match

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19C Clippings

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Date Thursday, October 17, 1861

[Mutual vs. Atlantic 10/16/1861] The Atlantic really merit praise for the admirable condition which they had their ground in. benches were erected, affording ample accommodation for the ladies, and those of the sterner sex who were so fortunate as to obtain them. Ropes and stakes were used liberally in keeping the crowd from encroaching upon the field. A detachment of police were upon the ground to preserve order, and not a single fight, row or disturbance of any kind occurred during the game, within our knowledge. Tents were erected,--the national ensign, the stars and stripes, floating from over them in several parts of the field, where refreshments, &c., could be obtained. The crowd was not only on the ground, but also several house tops in the vicinity were crowded with spectators. Outside the ring formed by the spectators, were numerous carriages and states and equipages of various kinds from the St. Nicholas and other hotels.

Source Brooklyn Eagle
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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